The question isn't "what are we going to do," the question is "what aren't we going to do?"
- Ferris Bueller

Friday, March 5, 2010

Blog #2 Celeb Endorsement

Nothing says artery clogging, industry processed burger like two really famous guys playing basketball. McDonalds has somehow recruited two of the NBA’s top players to star in a commercial in which the two duke it out in competition. What’s at stake you might ask? A McDonalds meal. That’s right. Nothing says top physical fitness and athleticism like a Big Mac. This commercial, featuring Lebron James and Dwight Howard, is a remake of another that starred Michael Jordan Larry Bird that aired in the early 90’s (oh, sweet memories of childhood).

I can totally understand why McDonalds picked two talented and fit basketball players for an endorsement deal. I mean, if you can convince the public that you’re everything that you’re not, then you’ve pulled a Shallow Hal over their eyes (not to take away from the message of that movie, I absolutely loved it). If McDonalds wanted to be genuine and honest with their customers, they’d choose this guy for their add campaigns (have you seen Supersize Me??).

As to whether or not this campaign idea will be successful, I am unsure. If people were smart, they would see the hypocrisy right away. But if people don’t use their brains, like so many of us fail to do these days, they’ll believe anything they see on TV, and will most likely be in line for a Big Mac right now.

To be fair, I’ve posted an official article on the topic from In the article, Lebron states his reasons for working with McDonalds have a lot to do with working with the Ronald McDonald House. Touché Mr. James, touché. If this is the reason why Lebron betrays his athletic image with the devil in disguise food, then I have nothing to say. If there’s one reason to join the McDonalds’ side, it’s to help children with cancer. Good form, sir.

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